Wednesday 18 July 2012

New challenges

I started this blog while I was preparing for my first marathon - Brighton - earlier this year. After finishing the marathon in 4 hours 27, I took a little break from blogging but now my love for running has returned and I'm ready to talk about my next adventure.

Since the marathon I've joined a running club in Gloucester, which I'm hoping is going to make me faster. I completed a 5k in June and got a PB of 23:30 so now hoping to break 20minutes.

My next race will be Bristol half marathon at the end of September. I'll be running with a few people from work so it'll be my first race running with a group. I'm aiming for under 2 hours - I was running a half marathon in 2:10 whilst marathon training so hoping with a bit more speed work this should be achievable. 

So I'll be using this blog to update you on how I'm getting on and also sharing any news and thoughts on my aim to get faster.

Monday 2 April 2012

The agony continues

Two weeks today I will have (hopefully) completed my 1st marathon. This is scary stuff - considering I discovered I got in last June and have constantly thought - 'I have ages till this run.' Alas, I now do not have ages and am now in my last 2 weeks of training, which in my world translates to 'eat as much as you want and occasionally run.' Last week I thought I would weigh myself, only to find that I have gained weight - yes, perhaps through muscle, but I fear this may be partly due to my excessive appetite. Indeed, whoever thought to hold a marathon just before easter is, in my opinion, insane - do these people not understand the temptation behind a creme egg?
Anyway, yesterday I did 15 miles (my first long run of the taper), the first 10 at a slow, easy and conversational pace (the conversations being with myself) and the last 5 at marathon pace. I was really pleased that I hit the last 5 at quicker that marathon pace. So pleased in fact that afterwards I went on a hugh chocolate binge.
This week I have a week off, giving me a great chance to hit the roads in the morning and with the weather being nice, I now have a chance to improve on my slightly weird looking tan lines.
This weekend is my last long run before the race - a mere 8 miles...who knew that I would now look at 8 miles and think that it's nothing! My race day kit is tried and tested and now I cannot wait to get out there and do it! Also, yesterday was my first long run without my iPod (these are not allowed at the marathon) - and it was like a breath of fresh air - I concentrated on my running much more and as a result, felt so much better about my pace.
This running malarkey is something else. In seriousness, it does tend to give you a feeling of invincibility. I have a new found respect for people who run, so much so that I cried buckets at John Bishop's documentary and cry equal amounts of buckets every time I read a new blog by some randomer I found on Twitter. And although this training has meant that the marathon is the only thing I talk about, I hope that me doing it will encourage other people to get out there, after all, if anyone said to a 17 year old me that by the time your 24 you'll run a marathon, I would've looked at my 5 foot 2, slightly immature and very moody self and laughed, a lot. Talking to other people who are training for a marathon just goes to show that anyone can do it if they put their minds to it. Plus it's great, you get to eat loads....

Tuesday 28 February 2012

A bit of reflection...

Sunday's run was one of those where I rediscovered my love of running. Saturday saw me stuffing my face with pasta and cakes. While the pasta provided me with much needed carbs in preparation for Sunday's 18 miler, the cakes did not, although they were delicious! So heading to bed on Saturday night, clutching my stomach and complaining about my growing 'food baby,' I became a little scared at the thought of getting up for a run the next morning.
My body woke itself up at 7.45am, when I got up and had my new love - porridge with walnuts and honey, yum. An hour and a half, one banana and a dog walk later and I was ready to leave. Apprehension a-plenty, I headed out in a t-shirt (this is worth noting - it was actually pleasantly warm), and off I went. With my headphones in and my pace quite slow, I took in my surroundings, enjoyed the weather and began to enjoy myself. I had an energy gel after 6 and 12 miles and then another before I faced a big hill at about 15.5 miles - and I completed 18.06 miles in 2hours59minutes. I was so happy - my little legs had carried me all that way and even increased the pace in the last mile. To say I was happy is an understatement!
But, there was one thing that kept me going throughout the run, that I thought of whenever my legs felt heavy - and that was thinking about who I'm doing the marathon for - Cancer Research UK. Most people I know have been affected by cancer in some way - whether through a relative, friend or themselves. Last year saw me realise how strong some people can be when faced with this horrible illness, and it is this acknowledgement that makes me even more determined to raise funds to beat cancer. Every penny donated means so so much to so many people, so please visit my page and sponser me any amount you can.
Until next time...

Thursday 2 February 2012

My legs! My legs!

Last night's speed session could be best described as a mild disaster. When I do a speed session, my legs suddenly wake up and ask the question, 'hey, what's going on here, what are you doing to us?' They positively enjoy being on the road for 2 or more hours pounding away at a slow pace but come Wednesday, when I look at the treadmill and think, 'I will destroy you,' the legs just won't work. They ache as the pace increases into what I call a sprint (others might call it a non-sprint) and then they complain once I go into a recovery pace. I've always believed that running is 10% physical and 90% mental, and last night, my mentality was just not there. But alas, no pain, no gain and I shall power through those speed sessions...

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Monster Eater

Knowing how often to blog is the question of the day, does one blog every day, once a week? Who knows, but I thought I would use this entry to discuss with you eating when training for a marathon.
Many people, myself included, start running to lose weight, or tone up, but there comes a time when you realise that to get through a run, you have to take on a bit of fuel, or when training for a marathon, a lot of fuel. I have found I am eating constantly, from the minute I wake up to when I go to bed. Malt loaf is the current food of the moment for me and I love it. I began my malt loaf journey by adding it with sliced banana, very nice but gets a bit messy when sat at my desk slicing my gooey banana onto sticky malt loaf. I then started eating my banana separate from my malt loaf, savouring each delicious bite of malt loaf but also missing my banana element. Then last night, after an excellent spin session with mum, she returns from the shop with none other than....banana malt loaf. My heart skipped a beat, my brow gathered sweat. Incredible.
Anyway, I must now finish this post to make some food. Tonight is a speed session, a session that I tend to dread but the feeling after is one that I imagine feels close to invincibility...Usain Bolt, watch out...

Monday 30 January 2012

Emily runs Brighton part 1

Good morning from a very cold desk in the middle of Bristol. As I type this, snow is coming down outside and as ever my first thought is, ahhh, will I make it to the gym tonight!! Sad I know...
Anyway, I have created this blog as a way to update donaters, friends and randoms on my progress for April's Brighton Marathon. I have been spurred on to create this blog by the already very generous people of Facebook who have donated to my Cancer Research page
My training for the marathon is coming along steadily, it is becoming all I think about and all I talk about (much to the pain of friends and family). I ran a very cold 10.2 miles on Saturday in 1hour 33, which I was pretty pleased with. Come April, I will be aiming to complete the 26.2 miles in under 4 hours 30 hard as I try to go faster, my 5 foot 3 frame and little legs just haven't got it in them, but I'm determined as ever to prove them wrong and who knows what might be accomplished by April 15th.
My aim now is to work out a way to raise money in the office, my first thoughts have amounted to: bake cakes...I would appreciate any creative minds out there to suggest different ways that I can raise money without making people fat (doesn't really fit into the whole, I'm running a marathon, please buy my cakes thing.) Suggestions welcome via Facebook or Twitter (@emilyshopping) but please note, only clean suggestions welcome!
I'll keep this blog updated as often as I can, hopefully it will make more people donate AND motivate others out there to start running...